Oliva pose

Getty Villa Field Trip

Eniglish 110,Humanities Ancient to Medieval, went to the Getty Villa on November 21, 2013 as a required field trip. “The field Trip happens every year. It is good to get out to the art,” Melanie Nabahoni, the professor of Humanities 110, said, “The students need to see the art in person and really experience the…

Cypress Chronicle - General Placeholder Graphic

#1 Distraction in Class

A major concern about how technology can affect a students performance in class is evident with the emergence of digital devices such as laptops, tablets, and cell phones. Cypress College has a no electronics policy that all professors must enforce unless given prior permission from the instructor is given according to their policies and guidelines.…


Pull for Cypress Campaign

Pull for Cypress Campaign is an annual event where faculty and staff are invited to donate to Cypress College in order to help fund the hopes and dreams of the students. “We focus and acknowledge on the faculty and staff that donate to Cypress College,” said executive director Raul Alvarez. Pull for Cypress Campaign started…

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I Love College

Wait… You can get up and go to the restroom without the teacher’s (oops, I mean my professor’s) permission? In the middle of their lecture?! How in the world did I go to school at 8:00 every morning in high school? Including Fridays? And honestly, does anyone use Cornell notes? My first semester of college has…


Finals Fuel

Free scantrons. Free blue books. Free coffee. Associate Students (AS) are hosting Finals Fuel all this week, an event that is meant to help students be successful during the stressful week of finals. “We are the representatives of the students,” said Ryan Johnstonbaugh, Biology major, who is spearheading this event. “We want to support our students.” AS…


2013 Holiday Decorating Contest

  The city of Cypress will be hosting the 2013 Holiday Decorating Contest sponsored by Cypress Recreation and Community Services, and the Recreation Committee. The holiday decorating contest is known to give out various decorating awards such as the Best of the best award, Santa’s Workshop Award, and the Gingerbread Award. The judging criteria includes…