Cypress College will take part in the Great California Shakeout on Thursday, October 17th at 10:17 a.m. Students and faculty members will join over 9 million residents across California that will practice the necessary safety procedures of how to drop, cover and hold on in preparation for survival and recovery in preparation of a large earthquake. Participation in the drill is required for all students and faculty.
When the drill begins, a video sponsored by organizers of the ShakeOut will be broadcasted over the P.A. system and professors will be encouraged to simultaneously play the video for their students in class. At this time everyone on campus will have the opportunity to practice the effective skills vital to a quick and appropriate response in case of an actual earthquake.
Following the completion of the video, students and faculty will evacuate each building according to their designated assembly areas. Marc S. Posner, Public Information Officer on campus stated in regard to the event, “We want the drills to be realistic.” During this time students are encouraged not to leave campus once exiting the buildings and regard the drill as if real emergency situation was actually occurring. The drill will last up to an hour and is designed to help inform everyone who participates that earthquake survival and safety is contingent on proper response reactions.