The bands Gates of Ivory, Of Euphoria, and Your Hero is A Villain are starting a tour called Ocean of Confusion Tour that started Nov. 15, Nov. 20 at the concert venue Eli’s Mile High Club in Oakland, CA, Nov. 21 at the concert venue Kuppajoe in Fresno, CA, Nov. 22 at the concert venue Stages in Lompac CA, and Nov. 23 at the concert venue Malones in Santa Ana CA.
“We’re super stoked to be on tour with Gates of Ivory,” according to Steffen Clark, guitarist of Your Your Hero is a Villain. “I have been a fan of the band for almost a year or so.”
“As for meeting fans, the feeling is indescribable”, he adds. “Whether they drove 10 mins or 2 hrs away to see us we absolutely love the fans!”
“It was great, all of the bands we played with were cool besides like 3,” says Anthoneal Sergio Davis, the drummer of Gates of Ivory. “It was cool,” says meeting the fans, “we meet some cool kids.”
At second concert tour at the location Eli Mile High Club for people 21 and up. The show will sell for 10 dollars at the door at 6:30 in Oakland California, at 3629 Martin Luther King Jr. Way. There the bands will be playing with the bands The Ghost Next Door, Imperial One R, Phaneron, and Odium.
The next tour stop is at the concert location Kuppajoe nightclub for all ages on Friday Nov. 21 at 3673 N. First St. Fresno CA, 93726. The headliners Gates of Ivory and Your Hero is a Villain will play with Armed Assalant. It will open at 7:30 and will sale before for 6 dollars presale and 8 dollars presale.
The third tour stop is at concert location Stages Rehearsal Studio at 118 North I Street Lompac CA. The frontliners Your Hero is a Villain will play with bands Secret Sword, The Great Abandon, and The Architect. It will sell for 5 dollars and will open at 6 pm.
At the last tour location at Malones at 604 E. Dyer Rd. Santa Ana, CA. It is for all ages and sells for 10 dollars. They will be playing with bands Of Euphoria, Bring Forth the Lies, Out With The Old, Desolate Heights, Facial Extraction, Tommorow’s Hand, Drowning Simone, Reckless Harmony, and Slipstream. More bands to be announced. On the last night of the Oceans of Confusion Tour, the Your Hero is a Villain band were hospitalized after a car accident