This baby elephant was wondering around in the back of large elephant exhibit.
Lions, and tigers, and bears oh my!
The Los Angeles Zoo, which is owned by the City of Los Angeles, is a popular attraction among the locals of Southern California. With over 1.5 million visitors per year, families and friends often come to the zoo to see and learn about different animals and their habitats and make a day out of learning and having fun.
“Every spring, my family and I make an attempt to go visit the zoo for a fun day and to see the new exhibits.” said Jillian Lori, 22, Photography major.
The LA Zoo received two African lions, Kalisa and Hubert, 15, from the Woodland Park Zoo on March 28. The two lions have been companions for six years. According to George Gonzalez, a shuttle driver at the zoo, “This is the first time in two years that the zoo has had lions.”
Another popular exhibit for the zoo is the Elephants of Asia. The elephants have the largest exhibit at the zoo. The elephant’s presence is known around the park. While walking through the zoo, there are several hand painted structures of elephants. According to the LA Zoo’s website, the habitat that was created has made it easier for the zoo to take care of the elephants.
Other exhibits that can be found at the zoo are the Rainforest of the Americas which include animals like the Harpy eagle, the Keel-Billed toucan, the Emerald Tree Boa, and the Giant River Otter. The LAIR has several different species of invertebrates, reptiles, and amphibians; The Red Ape Rain Forest is home to orangutans. They also have an exhibit called “Australia” which is home to koala’s, kangaroos, and wallabies.
Sara Hoffman, 21, Communications major, said “The elephants take up the entire middle area of the zoo. I love going to see them!”
The Los Angeles Zoo, which is located in Burbank right off the 5 and 134 intersection, is open Monday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tickets can be bought online at www.lazoo.org.