Does your Playlist help you learn? Music has evolved since the millennium, and we’ve seen artist such as, Miley Cyrus become Hannah Montana then evolve to the talk of the media. We’ve also seen the rise of E.D.M. (Electronic Dance Music) as DJ’s now sell out large venues and dominate the radio stations.
Students around campus were asked, “What’s on your playlist and how does it help you learn?”
“I got a little bit of everything, mainly Hip Hop though”, says Joseph Patel, 21. “ I like Ab-Soul, J.Cole and I also listen to a little bit of Reggae too. Music brings me good vibes while I’m on campus and I like that around me all the time, so yeah it helps be prepare for anything.”
Student, Micha Flemming,22, expresses “I just throw on Pandora and pretty much listen to any genre, Music helps me stay calm and focused, other may say something different but that’s how it makes me feel.”
In 2012 TheStandard.Org wrote an article that, according to Missouri State University, studies show music helps students prepare to learn. They interviewed Libby, a certified harp therapy practitioner, who said in a Missouri State press release dating around 2008, that live harp music from a certified hard therapist, can actually reduce pain and anxiety levels.
When we asked student, Issac Lee, 21, how music made him feel before or during school, he thought it had its pros and cons.
“Music does help me relax and get in a really good mood the majority of the time but when it comes down to tests, I like peace and quiet before taking one, and it’s just to make sure I got everything down from all the cramming.”
Not everyone student will react the same to music during school. What we do know is that many students on campus are frequently being found with head phones on. Maybe it is a sign that music can be a helpful factor to some students during school. Whatever the case may be, if research is correct, you can hopefully expect a better semester with music in your ears.