Campuses such as Golden West College gave Veterans the day off from being scholars to have a day to celebrate Veterans day as opposed to Cypress College who gave them the day before veterans day off.
Marc Posner, the Director of Campus Communications at Cypress College was asked why not have school off for veterans on veterans day. He stated ” The academic calendar is something that is negotiated between united faculty and the district, so the short answer is, that’s what they agreed to”
Posner also stated ” its been that way for as long as i have been here”
Alexa Abama is someone who helps out at the Veterans office. Alexa gave some insight on Veterans day. ” we have been putting out information, i wanna say a week or half of a week before this happened, were just letting them know, take Tuesday off, just let your teachers know what you need to do”
She also added ” Most teachers are pretty cool with it, they just don’t, obviously they don’t advise ” oh yeah you can skip school” stuff like that, as long as they let them know, ” hey this is what i am gonna do for that day”
Jaime Baxter, whose is thirty three and majoring in International Business gave his input.
Jaime is also a veteran and added how yesterday was the Marine corp Birthday.
Jaime was also asked if some veterans were upset about this decision, he stated ” i don’t think so, it doesn’t bother me”
Jaime then added ” its Awesome here”