The Coronavirus Disease also known as COVID-19 has become the newest epidemic shaking the world. It originated in China and has made its way to spread in many parts of the world.
The outbreak has stirred up a few speculations as to how it started and the reason it has struck fear
In the beginning of 2020, the Coronavirus started to spread in California. Some areas in Southern California have already responded and are taking action to prevent this from spreading even further.
CYPRESS COLLEGE – To help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, an email was sent out to the faculty team to learn the signs and symptoms of the virus. This had different links to credible health databases.
According to California Community Colleges “ School Emergency Planning & Safety, California Office of Emergency Services.” has been put in place in case the outbreak starts to have an affect on the college.
There was a huge emphasis for everyone to wash their hands. Faculty is also being told to tell the signs of someone who might be showing symptoms of the virus.
COSTA MESA- According to, “The City of Costa Mesa is filing legal action against the state of California because of their actions on February 21, 2020, where the state was going to turn a federal office of the Fairview Development Center into a quarantine for individuals who tested positive for the COVID-19.”
LONG BEACH EMERGENCY- The City of Long Beach has sent out a Local health emergency due to the spreading of the Coronavirus. City officials have advised to stay home if you are feeling sick.
According to the, “the declarations are legal documents,” Long Beach’s announcement on the health emergency said, “that will mobilize city resources, accelerate emergency planning, streamline staffing, coordinate agencies across the city, allow for future reimbursement by the state and federal governments and raise awareness throughout Long Beach about how everyone can prepare in the event that COVID-19 appears in our community.”
LOS ANGELES COUNTY – Los Angeles County just had its first death of a man who fell ill from the virus and has issued a state of emergency . There is a search out for everybody who came back from a cruise to Mexico on the grand princess cruise ship to see if any of them were in contact with this man or may have the virus.
A video was posted on where California Governor, Gavin Newsom declared that even though this is a state of an emergency, there is no reason to panic.
The State of California has also emphasized to wash your hands, not touch your face, eyes or nose, and stay away from people who are sick or if you are feeling sick to stay home.
For more information on how to take precautions against the Coronavirus Disease, visit the Center for Disease Control website at