It is great to have goals planned in order to become motivated enough to accomplish them, but the peer pressure to make them just for resolutions seems to take the fun out of it. After all, change starts with you.
New Year’s resolutions started having no meaning to me when I gave up on completing them. Instead, I managed to change my eating habits on my own.
In fact, I have been dairy-free by drinking plant-based milks such as almond, soy, and oat milk for the past three years. It became a goal of mine to consume less animal products in my diet, and I would like to transition to veganism eventually in the future.
During the school year, I tend to become very invested in the “school and work” routine where they become my main priorities and I end up forgetting to make time to hang out with my friend group. I’ve known them since junior high and every time we all catch up it’s a fun time.
I want to work on socializing more because I feel like it’s important to not only check in on your friends, but also make time for them when you can. Although schedule conflicts do happen, I want to have a get together at least once a month with my friend group so I don’t feel so isolated with the daily school and work routine.
There are many goals I have in mind to accomplish some day. Sometimes I change my mind about them because they’ve lost value to me and other times I’m determined to make them happen such as graduating with a Journalism degree.
Sure, New Year’s resolutions may work for some people, but they aren’t my cup of tea.
In the end, satisfaction is what really matters when you’re working hard towards accomplishing a goal, so just because you don’t go through with your New Year’s resolution doesn’t mean you won’t succeed.
Setting goals is a start, and completing them is a process that each person will do so on their own