Spenser Confidential is a Netflix original movie starring Mark Wahlberg, Wilson Duke and Post Malone. The story is about an ex-Boston detective named Spenser who investigates the murder of two police officers where he discovers a large corrupt group illegal funding a new casino.
The movie takes a lot of cues from classic buddy cop films, so nothing about the story feels too original, but the star power and comedy more than make up for that.
However, it is hard to feel that Hawk (Wilson Duke) and Spenser (Mark Wahlberg) to care for each other because their character development isn’t really shown to the degree where they end up caring for each other.
I don’t think any of this ruins the movie, it’s not as deep as some police films of the past, but its balanced with its more comedic style and easy to watch cinematography fits in well to the platform of Netflix as happier films seem to do better and be binged more often.
So if you are looking for an entertaining film with a good balance of drama and comedy, Spenser (Mark Wahlberg) will deliver, but wont carry quite the weight of other buddy cop movies.
It was refreshing to watch a movie that wasn’t so heavy on being ground breaking, it was just fun action, drama and comedy. My biggest gripe is the fact they underused Post Malone; he is only seen in two scenes in the whole film despite being on much of the promotional material.
I do hope this leads to seeing Post in other films, he is a talented artist and becoming an actor would be an entertaining next step for him.
All in all, Spenser Confidential delivers on what Netflix wanted the film to be fun entertaining. It draws you in with its very familiar cast, and very familiar story line. Spenser Confidential never tries to be the film of the year, but it also doesn’t have to be in order to find success on the new wave of streaming.