Earlier this morning, Campus Safety and the Cypress Police Department detained a man with a knife on campus effectively due to a student having Campus Safety saved in their contacts.
Cypress College, Dispatcher Cecilia Richie received a call at 8:34 AM from a student who wishes to remain anonymous concerning a suspicious person with a knife at the Cypress College Tennis Court restrooms.
Craig Lee, Director of Campus Safety, notified faculty members that the threat was brought to an end within two minutes.
Campus Safety Officers A. Valadez #314 and J. Garbisch #306 arrived at the tennis courts at 8:35 a.m.
Authorities identified the armed man as Christopher Gomez. When Campus Safety arrived at the scene, Gomez began to flee the premises making his way towards Holder and Orange Street.
Officer Valadez and Garsbisch held a view of the armed man while the Cypress Police Department was arriving.
The Cypress Police Department arrived at the scene and Gomez was taken into custody at 8:40am.
Craig Lee contributed that the student had saved Campus Safety into their contacts which made the incident speedily solved.
Lee encouraged the, “if you see something, say something” anecdote and for all students and faculty to have Campus Safety saved into their phone contacts. He believes it reinforces future incidents to be solved rapidly & efficiently.
For any suspicious behavior occurring on campus, call Campus Safety at (714) 484-7387.