Cypress College Associated Students have big plans for 2014 to spread awareness about the student government and get more students involved. David Okawa, Director of Associated Students, said, “They’re becoming leaders in their own rights.”
Associated Students are the student government on campus. They are responsible for a number of things that happen on campus including different events like October’s pumpkin patch and September’s Back -to-School Night.
“We’re like high school ASB on crack.” said Michael Amaya-Veloz, Associated Students Executive Secretary. Their new focus is on getting students more school-spirited like our sister school Cal State Fullerton and making finals a little less stressful.
A.S. currently is petitioning for the school’s library to stay open past 9 p.m. during the last weeks of school when students are taking finals. The library closes too early for some students because they may work or have other obligations. The later the library stays open the more students can study and the better they’ll do on tests. If students would like to support this, they can visit the activity center to sign the petition. All you need is your student identification number and have at least 1 unit for the semester.
Later this month, AS will be having a “World Fest” which will promote diversity awareness on campus. Faculty and students will be able to hear different types of music and try foods from different cultures. Students who are interested in participating should visit the Student Activity Center for details.
“Student government is open to all students. Anybody can go to the Activity Center and get involved”, said Okawa. Whenever something is going on at Cypress whether it be club rush or a transfer fair, Associated Students always has a booth set up open to students who want to learn more about them and what they do. They are located in the activity center on campus for students who don’t want to wait for a booth to join, get involved, and get spirited.