This is the Academic Senate agenda for April 23, 2015. Academic senate is open to the public and held in room 414 of the Cypress College Complex from 3:30 to 5:00 P.M. Click the link bellow to the live broadcast that will start at 3:30 P.M.
I. CLOSED SESSION: (3:00 to 3:30) – Senate will meet to decide Faculty Awards
II. Establish Quorum and Acknowledge Alternates
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes from April 9, 2015
V. Public Commentary (3 minutes per speaker)
VI. Faculty Announcements and Invitations (2 minutes per speaker)
VII. Special Reports (3 minutes per Report)
A. Associated Students Tanya Washington
B. United Faculty Randa Wahbe
C. Staff Development Peggy Austin
D. Curriculum Committee Mark Majarian
E. Academic Senate Treasurer’s Report Laurie Morvan
F. Cypress College Foundation Lynn Mitts
G. Basic Skills Committee Cindy Shrout
H. Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Sarah Jones
I. Program Review and Department Planning Kathleen Reiland
J. District Council on Budget and Facilities Jolena Grande
VIII. President’s Report and Committee Appointments (15 min.) There will be reports on information received from PBC, PAC, and the Board. The Senate will be asked to vote on the proposed Faculty Awards discussed during Closed Session. There will be an update/reminder on Senate elections. Donations for the post-graduation party will be collected. The Senate will need to appoint a representative to the following committees
1. District Instructional Effectiveness Coordinating Committee
2. District Technology Coordinating Council (TCC)
3. Educational Master Plan Task Force (5 members)
IX. Faculty Issues – Unfinished Business
A. Distance Education Coordinator Position (10 min.) Jolena Grande The sub-committee will provide an update on their work in helping decide if the coordinator position should be limited to instructional design and another classified support position for IT should be established, and whether a more formal distance education program should be created.
B. Professional Development Coordinator Selection Process (10 min.) Jolena Grande The Senate will review the amended proposed process for selecting a coordinator. The Senate is expected to vote on the proposed process.
C. Committee to Revise By-Laws Update (10 min.) Bryan Seiling The Committee to Revise the By-Laws will be presenting a second read of proposed changes to the Senate By-Laws. A vote on the revisions is expected.
D. Student Use of Instructional Space without Supervision (10 min.) Michael Klyde The sub-committee will present a draft of a policy that allows for students’ use of instructional space. This will be a second read with discussion and proposed changes. The Senate is expected to vote on the item.
E. Student Use of Electronic Devices (5 min.) Jesse Saldana There will be a preliminary discussion of the use of electronic devices by students in the classroom. The policies of the various divisions will be discussed.
F. Appeal of Proposed English 99 Course (5 min.) Bryan Seiling The Senate will be asked to hear an appeal to a decision made in the Curriculum Committee regarding the proposed English 99 course. The Senate will be asked to examine the issue and instruct the Curriculum Committee to allow the course to go through the normal curriculum processes. No vote will be taken.
G. Campus Reassigned Time Discussion (15 min.) Jolena Grande The sub-committee on this issue will report on the work they’ve done thus far.
H. Campus Maintenance Hour (5 min.) BryanSeiling The sub-committee will report on the work done in examining the concept of a campus-wide maintenance hour.
X. Faculty Issues – New Business
A. Professional Expert Pay for Curriculum Committee Work (10 min.) Bryan Seiling The Committee to Look at Committees will be asking the Senate to support professional expert pay be provided for summer work on the Curriculum Committee website and handbook.
B. Special Rules for Senate Procedures (15 min.) Bryan Seiling The Senate will be asked to consider two proposed Special Rules governing
XXI. Adjournment