Here is the Academic Senate agenda for March 12, 2015. Academic senate is open to the public and held in room 414 0f the Cypress College Complex. A hot topic for this Agenda is the Student use of Instructional Space, item 8D. Check the link bellow for the live broadcast that begins on March 12 at 3:00 P.M.
I. Establish Quorum and Acknowledge Alternates
II. Adoption of the Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes from February 26, 2015
IV. Public Commentary (3 minutes per speaker)
V. Faculty Announcements and Invitations (2 minutes per speaker)
VI. Special Reports (3 minutes per Report)
A. Associated Students———————————Tanya Washington
B. United Faculty—————————————Randa Wahbe
C. Staff Development———————————–Peggy Austin
D. Curriculum Committee——————————Mark Majarian
E. Academic Senate Treasurer’s Report—————–Laurie Morvan
F. Cypress College Foundation————————–Lynn Mitts
G. Basic Skills Committee——————————-Cherie Dickey
H. Student Learning Outcomes Assessment————-Sarah Jones
I. Program Review and Department Planning———–Kathleen Reiland
J. District Council on Budget and Facilities—————Jolena Grande
VII. President’s Report and Committee Appointments (10 min.)
There will be reports on information received from PBC, PAC, and the Board.
The Senate will need to appoint a representative to the following committees:
1. Campus Diversity Committee (2 members)
2. District Instructional Effectiveness Coordinating Committee
3. District Technology Coordinating Council (TCC)
4. Instructional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI)
There will be updates on Bond construction and the Baccalaureate Pilot Program.
VIII. Faculty Issues – Unfinished Business
A. Distance Education Coordinator Position (5 min.)—–Jolena Grande
The Sub-Committee will provide an update on their work in helping to find a permanent full-time faculty member to fill the DE Coordinator position.
B. Staff Development Coordinator Position (5 min.)—–Jolena Grande
The Sub-Committee will update the Senate on their work in helping find a permanent full-time faculty member to fill the Staff Development Coordinator position.
C. Committee to Revise By-Laws Update (20 min.)—–Bryan Seiling
The Committee to Revise the By-Laws will be presenting a second read of proposed changes to the Senate By-Laws. After debate and subject to amendment, a vote on the changes will be taken.
D. Student Use of Instructional Space without Supervision (10 min.)—–Michael Klyde
The committee to address this issue will present for a draft of a policy that allows for students’ use of instructional space. This will be a first read with discussion and proposed changes. It is hoped a final vote will be taken at the March 26th meeting.
E. Campus-Wide Golden Hour (5 min.)—–J.Y. Ho
There will be an update from the Sub-Committee on the feasibility of creating a campus-wide “Golden Hour” at the college.
F. Resolution of Condemnation of Unprofessional Conduct (15 min.)—–Keith Vescial
A Resolution will be presented for a second reading addressing the actions regarding the photocopying and distribution of a private correspondence that took place in the Language Arts Division.
G. Role of Senate in Addressing Department/Division Issues (5 min.)——Bryan Seiling
In the wake of recent events, the Senate will be asked to discuss its role in handling the internal disputes of Departments/Divisions. The ultimate responsibility of the Senate in these roles will be discussed.
H. Institution-Set Standards for to Student Success (15 min.)—–Kathleen Reiland
The committee will provide an update of the institution-set standards for a number of parameters related to student success.
IX. Faculty Issues – New Business
A. Funding Allocations for New Courses/Programs (10 min.)—–Jolena Grande
In the wake of recent conversations, the Senate will be asked to discuss the issue of funding allocations for new courses/programs. How do we balance the encouragement of faculty innovation while being mindful of the costs?
B. Campus Reassigned Time Discussion (10 min.)—–Jolena Grande
There will be a discussion of reassigned time and potential changes to how it is divided. Senators were encouraged to research the topic to inform the discussion. There will be discussion of creating a sub-committee to look into the issue.
C. Campus Maintenance Hour (5 min.)—–Jolena Grande
There will be a discussion of a campus “maintenance hour” from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am being suggested by the administration. The need for a sub0committee to address the issue will be explored.
D. Campus E-Mails for Students (5 min.)—–J.Y Ho
There will be a discussion of the potential for students to receive campus e- mails. The Senate will only be introduced to the topic and engage in preliminary discussions.
X. Adjournment