Stay tuned for the live broadcast of the Cypress College Academic Senate on 2/26/2015
Follow this link to the live feed of the senate starting at 3:00 P.M.
I. Establish Quorum and Acknowledge Alternates
II. Adoption of the Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes from February 12, 2015
IV. Public Commentary
V. Special Reports
A. Associated Students Tanya Washington
B. United Faculty Randa Wahbe
C. Staff Development Peggy Austin
D. Curriculum Committee Mark Majarian
E. Academic Senate Treasurer’s Report Laurie Morvan
F. Cypress College Foundation Lynn Mitts
G. Basic Skills Committee Cherie Dickey
H. Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Sarah Jones
I. Program Review and Department Planning Kathleen Reiland
J. District Council on Budget and Facilities Jolena Grande
VI. President’s Report and Committee Appointments
There will be reports on information received from PBC, PAC, and the Board.
The Senate will need to appoint a representative to the following committees:
Campus Diversity Committee (3 members)
District Instructional Effectiveness Coordinating Committee
District Technology Coordinating Council (TCC)
Registrar Hiring Committee
Staff Development Committee
Innovation Fund Ad-Hoc Committee
The Senate will also need to discuss the Faculty Awards for this semester. A schedule for making the call for nomination and determining recipients will be discussed as will potential sources of funding.
The Senate will be asked to give feedback and make suggestions for the new requirements of the Baccalaureate Pilot Program.
There will be a discussion of the role faculty can play in helping identify “problem students.”
VII. Faculty Issues – Unfinished Business
Revision of AP 4020 (20 min.) Mark Majarian
There will be a discussion of the proposed changes to AP 4020. The changes address DCCC guidelines for review of curriculum as well as revision of curriculum submission dates to facilitate the Chancellor’s Office. The Curriculum Chair wants a sense of how the Senate feels about the proposed revisions.
Increased Support for SLO Outcomes (15 min.) Sarah Jones
The Senate will discuss the proposed increase in support for SLOs outcomes. The Senate will be asked to vote on the proposed changes presented at the last senate meeting.
Distance Education Coordinator Position (5 min.) Jolena Grande
The Sub-Committee will provide an update on their work in helping to find a permanent full-time faculty member to fill the DE Coordinator position.
Staff Development Coordinator Position (5 min.) Jolena Grande
The Sub-Committee will update the Senate on their work in helping find a permanent full-time faculty member to fill the Staff Development Coordinator position.
E. Committee to Revise By-Laws Update (20 min.) Bryan Seiling
The Committee to Revise the By-Laws will be presenting a second read of proposed changes to the Senate By-Laws. After debate and subject to amendment, a vote on the changes will be taken.
F. Student Use of Instructional Space without Supervision (10 min.) Gary Zager
The committee to address this issue will report on the work thus far to draft a policy that allows for students’ use of instructional space.
G. Campus-Wide Golden Hour (5 min.) J.Y. Ho
There will be an update from the Sub-Committee on the feasibility of creating a campus-wide “Golden Hour” at the college.
H. Resolution of Condemnation of Unprofessional Conduct (15 min.) Keith Vescial
A Resolution will be presented for a second reading addressing the actions regarding the photocopying and distribution of a private correspondence that took place in the Language Arts Division.
I. Institution-Set Standards for to Student Success (15 min.) Jolena Grande
In our annual report sent to ACCJC, the College is required to provide institution- set standards for a number of parameters related to student success. Last year we provided an average for these parameters, as we did not have enough lead- time to discuss the details. This year, we should engage in the conversation so that when the report is due next March we have our standards set.
J. Process for Setting Agenda for Senate Meetings (10 min.) Bryan Seiling
There will be a brief discussion of the process and policies for placing items on the Senate Agenda. The role of each Division Senator will be discussed.
VIII. Faculty Issues – New Business
A. Role of Senate in Addressing Department/Division Issues (5 min.) Bryan Seiling
In the wake of recent events, the Senate will be asked to discuss its role in handling the internal disputes of Departments/Divisions. The ultimate responsibility of the Senate in these roles will be discussed.
IX. Adjournment