Among many clubs on Cypress College’s campus is the Math Club. We all know that there are brilliant people that can paint pictures with words. There are also bright and talented people who like the challenge of crunching numbers and memorizing formulas.
Professor Christina Plett, a mathematics professor who has been teaching at Cypress since 1985, is the faculty adviser for the Math Club. They meet in room 106 in the Science, Engineering and Mathematics building every other Monday. Recently at one of the last meetings they celebrated Pi day together, for March 14 or specifically the passing of 3.14.
One of the benefits of being apart of the Math Club includes getting help from fellow peers. Sometimes they even hold club meetings for homework. Kourosh Irani, a Math Club Officer said, “We are glad to help anyone with questions.” Although they are not all math majors, they all have a strong core in math, like business or engineering.
Another benefit of being apart of the Math Club is, they give certificates to club members and officers to show leadership. Colleges and jobs recognize the importance of being apart of school clubs and could reward you for doing so. The Math Club participates in all Associated Student events and it’s a good way to get involved.
One of the biggest events for the Math Club is the AMATYC. The Cypress College Math Club Facebook page explains, “The American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges exam consists of 20 multiple choice questions which test your Math skills up to pre calculus. The exam is an hour and you are not expected to solve all the questions. Any community college student can take it and it’s free. There are individual honors as well as team rankings. Some top scores are eligible for cash prizes.” Irani said, “It’s mostly outside the box thinking…” The club holds study sessions and advertizes for participants. The top 5 students in the state get certificates for accomplishments and scholarships.
The next club meeting is to be held on May 18th, but because of finals, be sure to check the Cypress College Math Club Facebook page for more information on general meetings.