TWIG Episode 19 is LIVE!!
join your favorite geeks Erik Lucas, Rachel Dick, and Jhovani Estrada on a brand new episode of This Week In Geek live now on YouTube.
join your favorite geeks Erik Lucas, Rachel Dick, and Jhovani Estrada on a brand new episode of This Week In Geek live now on YouTube.
Join the geeky crew of Erik Lucas, Rachel Dick, and special guest Jeff Lopez as they discuss the week that was all things geek!
This week, This Week In Geek, or TWIG returns with an all new episode kickstarting their new season for the fall semester. Join Cychron’s Web Producer Erik Lucas and Co-hosts Rachel Dick, Jhovani Estrada, and producer Jeffrey Lopez as they recount the weeks previous and upcoming Geek news. Make sure to tune in every Tuesday…
Erik Lucas, Cesi Gutierrez, Jhovani Estrada and Rachel Dick discuss and analyze the week that was in geekiness. We take a look at the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trailer, spoil the Walking Dead finale, and get ready for Captain America 2! Produced by Jeff Lopez Show Notes: CASTING Toby Kebbell Cast as Doctor Doom…